Day 19
Your future is not in someone else’s hands. It is in The Word of God and in your faith in it..! If you do not know the truth, you will
Your future is not in someone else’s hands. It is in The Word of God and in your faith in it..! If you do not know the truth, you will
When I look back at life, I marvel at how far GOD has brought me..! Likewise, be the one who never wondered how you made it, because you already knew
When you put your faith in Christ, God commissions himself to protect, provide, and care for you..! But even with God’s supernatural provision, we still complain and grumble.. Inspire the
When you judge another, you are being foolish.. Wise people give others what they need to grow, not what they deserve.. Wise people do not emphasize others mistakes; instead, the
“Be still and know that He is GOD” seems like an unlikely response these days.. However, pause to think, if indeed, WE as advanced as we claim in technology and
It is not always easy to stop the overthinking, the second-guessing, and to silence the voice that tries to talk you out of God’s promises, BUT, when you stop trying
There is only one thing that can short-circuit God’s Word – UNBELIEF..! No matter how strongly you believe in God’s promises and His intention to give them to you, they
Be less critical of your past..! This moment right now is all that you can do anything about so make sure you get the guidance of the LORD through His
Turn it loose and let it go..! If you let resentment fester in your soul, it will destroy your mind, crucify your hope, and make your life bitter.. The best
Anyone can call themselves parents, but a real parent is someone who puts their children above their own selfish needs and wants.. Many parents have made mistakes and repent for
A mother’s love is a sustaining force in her family.. A mother is someone who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take
Unmet expectations are the primary cause for relational breakdowns.. When you expect anyone – a friend, spouse, pastor, or family member – to meet a need that only God can
There is a ministry in marriage..! Marriage is a vow to uphold each other before GOD and His Word.. Because GOD blesses those that unite under HIS purpose, the devil
Worry steals your time, joy, peace and energy.. Worry is from the evil one and is demonic.. Turn your worry into praise and worship and find strength for each day..
GOD has given you a heart, and has placed in you passions, desires, and dreams.. But unless they are under HIS control, they will be misused and abused – or
When you believe the Word of God, the spirit of fear should no more be a part of your life..! Regardless of your profession of faith, if you live with
You need freedom because without Jesus, you are a slave to the expectations of others, to the opinions of society, to past memories, to current pressures, and to future fears..
It is the wounded and hurt people who look for reasons to be offended.. Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe
JCILM GLOBAL- JESUS CHRIST IS LORD MINISTRIES is a LAY GLOBAL MINISTRY founded in India by Brother Johnson Sequeira on the Good News of Jesus Christ through the Word of God.