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Daily Word

Day 26

Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness, insecurity and depression.. The moment people start overthinking is the same moment they start blocking God’s voice and guidance into the things He

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Day 25

GOD opposes the prideful and arrogant because they think they can do “life” all by themselves..! They approach life with the mindset, that it’s up to them to manipulate things

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Day 24

Be stronger than your excuses..! God knows the race that lies in front of you; He knows all your inadequacies & insecurities; He knows the trials that are waiting for

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Day 23

When God calls us to do something it can be easy to make excuses.. Sometimes we’re afraid of stepping out in faith. Sometimes we feel comfortable right where we are

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Day 22

Do not get into foolish & ignorant talk nor into useless discussions over unedifying (not morally uplifting or instructive) arguments since you know that they produce strife (conflict) & give

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Day 21

– Leaders are servants first. Jesus taught His disciples not to emulate the rulers of the Gentiles who exercised authority over them. Instead, He taught that in order for us

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Day 20

Our greatest challenge as a leader, is not understanding the practice of leadership; it is practicing our understanding of leadership..! Remember, being a “head of” or in a “position” gives

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Day 19

Success is a cumulative process – it is not a one time event..! Worldly thoughts of success usually include money, influence, or fame – but this incorrect definition of success

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Day 18

God is working behind the scenes to bring you out better than before..! We don’t often see it, but God does indeed work in our lives through trouble and hardship..

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Day 17

When it is the hardest to pray, rejoice, praise and give thanks is when you should pray, rejoice, praise and give thanks the most..! It’s easy to let go of

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Day 16

Big dreams don’t come without big failures.. Things get tough & you will make mistakes, but it’s what you do to get back up that matters.. It’s what you do

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Day 15

The Scriptures say, those who belong to GOD can touch Him by praise..!! When you thank GOD for His goodness and mercy, the devil has no access to your life..!!

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Day 14

It is not your job to judge or condemn others..! Do not judge others, and you will not be judged.. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back

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Day 13

Freedom of speech is not the permission for freedom to abuse.. God wants us to have the freedom of speech where we can speak meaningfully about morality or moral responsibility..

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Day 12

Everything we do is an extension of the history that came before us, & if we do not recognise it, we are in danger of repeating them.. You have got

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Day 11

We do not discover the true nature of ourselves until after we are placed in a position of power & influence.. That is because we are all skilled at pretension

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Day 10

God gives us the choice to obey or disobey.. God gives us the choice to choose Him or reject Him.. God gives us the choice to walk in His Will

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Day 9

We often think of life as a series of events that happen to us.. As a result, we neglect the fact that it is a series of decisions and actions

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