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Daily Word

Day 1

At one time or another, all of us will face times when our future is uncertain.. Maybe you’re about to graduate from college and have no idea what’s next. Perhaps

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Day 28

The Holy Spirit is sent to each believer to dwell within us.. As a light shining for GOD, Jesus speaks about letting the Holy Spirit shine brightly within us.. This

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Day 27

Comparing is the root of all envy. If you can get rid of comparing in your life, you can get rid of envy in your life.. We compare everything. We

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Day 26

When God is an important part of your life, it’s only natural that you’d want to share His love with everyone you know.. People need to know about Christ.. We

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Day 25

Faith in God is a choice, not a feeling. We choose to believe God’s Word is true even if it doesn’t feel true.. Our faith is not blind but informed

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Day 24

Faith in God is an active dependence on Him.. Just the mere fact that you’re awake today is a testimony that you can depend on God. Day after day His

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Day 23

Faith & humility unite us with divinity.. Humility and faith are aligned in the Scriptures more than we may realize.. Faith is actually a form of humility—humility before God.. True

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Day 22

You as a child of GOD hold authority over darkness..! Wherever there’s a shadow, there has to be a light.. The key is to turn your back on the shadow

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Day 21

People delight to praise what they enjoy because the praise not merely expresses but completes the enjoyment.. It is not out of compliment that lovers keep on telling one another

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Day 20

GOD wants to move you from being overwhelmed to overflowing.. The moment you start doubting the goodness of God and deciding for yourself what will make you happy, all kinds

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Day 19

Make sure you let the size of your GOD determine the size of your goal & victory.. A God-sized goal honour’s God & shows Him that you trust Him to

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Day 18

God’s plans & your plans can work together to accomplish the purpose He has for you.. Ignore the contrary circumstances around you & focus on GOD who has called you..

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Day 17

Believers are God’s advertisement to a watching society as to how individuals could best live.. In fact, Christian love will always be the best defence of the truth that the

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Day 16

The measure of our maturity is our love for God & our love for others.. When we love Him first, we will be amazed at how naturally loving others becomes..

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Day 15

When the devil cannot take you out, he tries to wear you out – don’t get tired, the tide WILL change.. The evil one wants us to… 1. To doubt

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Day 14

Be a reflection of Jesus’ love – give love & honour each other.. Indeed loving people is difficult, yet, Jesus gave love priority over all other Christian virtues – Every

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Day 13

Is your life overflowing?.. If you’re like most people, it may be overflowing—but not with goodness. So many people have overbooked their calendars, overspent their money, overdrawn their credit, overloaded

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Day 12

We are told in Psalm 91 what happens to those who learn to dwell in the “secret place of the Most High.”.. Not only can we “abide under the shadow

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