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Daily Word

Day 19

God’s Word brings change in your life when nothing else can or will.. Therefore, speak His Word to bless others, words that are of a good report, & life-giving instead

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Day 18

Your tongue steers your life.. Words spoken by your tongue determine the direction of your life, just like the rudder of a ship determines the direction a ship will go..

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Day 17

God’s Word is creative power.. God is a God of great power. He has given His people the ability to show forth His abundant power by praying and speaking His

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Day 16

Everything that you have gone through will work for you when you are in Christ. (Romans 8:28) What you have gone through will give you the credibility & moral right

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Day 15

We all love it when someone tells us how much they enjoy working with us or appreciates us.. It’s uplifting to be encouraged in these ways, and we must learn

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Day 14

To enter into GOD’s rest is to realise that He has already been through your entire destiny & is waiting for you in your future.. Focus on Him as the

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Day 13

When you put your trust in Jesus, you never need to fear the future. His goodness and mercy are with you every day.. You’re following the Good Shepherd, and He

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Day 12

Focus on God, not the distractions..! Distractions are dangerous – they steal our future a little at a time.. Since the beginning of time, the enemy works his evil ways,

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Day 11

The Scriptures say, those who belong to GOD can touch Him by praise..! When you thank GOD for His goodness and mercy, the devil has no access to your life..

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Day 10

We live in an insecure world and it is easy to get caught up in the negativity. Let’s fight some of that negativity that bombards us from every side and

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Day 9

Without hope in Christ people are aimless, lonely, unfulfilled, & without joy.. When a person reads and understands the Word of God they can know for certain that they have

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Day 8

Some of the most remarkable people in the Bible are the strong women in God’s salvation plan.. The biblical woman is, – A gospel-centered woman. She is created, redeemed, blessed,

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Day 7

Sheep are essentially defenseless animals, so a shepherd carries a few tools to care for and protect his sheep. He has a rod for guarding and protecting, and he uses

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Day 6

God created the heavens and the earth and everything that is in the earth by His words (Hebrews 11:3). The whole creation was made by, and responds to, words.. Our

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Day 5

Allow the Word of God to convert your thinking, fuel your faith, & accomplish God’s will for you.. Failure is not an option..! Set yourself on the path to guaranteed

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Day 4

God has created you to be a victor, not a victim. Jump-start your day by celebrating the very best that God has for you!.. But often you will encounter critics,

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Day 3

As a divine & redeemed child of GOD, prosperity & success is your birthright.. This isn’t about amassing wealth for yourself until you don’t know what to do with all

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Day 2

Live in the power of GOD’s blessings.. Develop your faith in what He has already done for you..! When you understand what THE BLESSING has done & is doing for

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