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Daily Word

Day 12

Shame is one of the most difficult emotions that can affect us.. Shame can have great power over us. It controls significant parts of our lives and consumes precious energy

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Day 11

Nothing is more foundational to the Christian life than for the believer to understand his or her position in Christ Jesus.. Our position in Christ is our legal standing with

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Day 10

To be “In Christ” means, – We have accepted Jesus as our Lord, God and Saviour (Romans 10:9) – We believe He died our death in our place, as our

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Day 9

Spiritual rest in the Lord refers to a spiritual rest from confusion, worry, stress, useless human effort, and a break from all internal, external, mortal, and spiritual enemies.. Spiritual rest

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Day 8

Rest is a weapon given to us by God..! The enemy hates it because he wants you to be stressed & occupied with unwholesome activities.. When you are living with

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Day 7

A physical body is given to each of us by our loving Heavenly Father.. He created it as a tabernacle for our spirit to assist each of us in our

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Day 6

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude – of being thankful ‘in’ every circumstance & your stress will lessen & you will be joyful & peaceful.. Thank God in all things. When

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Day 5

Worrying doesn’t change anything. It’s stewing within yourself without action (allowing yourself to worry about something doing nothing about it – cook/boil yourself in the juice of your worries).. There

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Day 4

You are a thinking being.. As soon as you wake up in the morning, you think. All day long, you are thinking and processing information. The last thing you do

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Day 3

If you are struggling to change your habits or shortcomings, don’t focus on yourself and where you have fallen short, but rather strive to renew your mind to who you

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Day 2

There is no victory without a battle, there is no growth without an obstacle to overcome, there is no faith without the Word of God to believe God for, &

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Day 1

Gossips are worse than thieves..! They steal another person’s dignity, honour, reputation, & credibility (character).. Remember this when your utterances are baseless.. When your feet slip, you can always recover

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Day 31

We are deeply influenced by the world around us. We’re daily bombarded with a thousand images – from the news we watch, to the sermons we hear, to the people

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Day 30

You might be going through pain & trials.. Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I’ll

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Day 29

We often have feelings and attachments to the past. The past is hard to let go of, and it affects us emotionally.. We can’t change the past, but we can

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Day 28

Pride destroys relationships. It shows up in a lot of different forms like ego, criticism, competition, stubbornness, jealousy etc.. The problem with pride is that it’s self-deceiving. When you have

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Day 27

Greater influence, favour, opportunities, provision, in your relationships, health, finances – this is God’s good plan in your life..! You can have great results or you can make excuses –

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Day 26

Don’t go outside of obeying GOD to get something because you will have to stay outside of GOD to keep it and you will never be successful..! God’s warning signs

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