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Daily Word

Day 8

We often think of life as a series of events that happen to us.. As a result, we neglect the fact that it is a series of decisions and actions

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Day 7

One of the best ways to be a witness for Jesus in a world that’s becoming more judgmental, selfish, and unforgiving is to show mercy to others.. Be merciful, just

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Day 6

No matter what you ask God for, you need to ask with an attitude of gratitude. You can ask God for whatever you need, but do it with a thankful

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Day 5

Faith pleases God.. (Hebrews 11:6) And faith works and expresses itself through love.. (Galatians 5:6) Every time you show generosity out of a loving heart, you strengthen your faith.. That’s

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Day 4

Sometimes, God’s instructions may seem illogical and foolish, making no sense financially, relationally, or emotionally.. But, God wants you to take a risk and obey Him – you can either

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Day 3

We live in a world where most people believe: “the richer the better.”.. We must balance the reality of needing money while guarding ourselves against being mastered by it.. Both

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Day 2

We are not created to take the glory; we are created to give GOD the glory..! God will show you His favour as long as you are letting His glory

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Day 1

The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to Him. (Psalm 24:1).. God entrusted His glorious creation to the care of the

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Day 30

Money may buy material things BUT money cannot buy Manners, Morals, Respect, Character, Trust, Integrity, Patience, Love, & Common Sense..! Neither can it buy Grace, Faith, Truth, Understanding, Wisdom, Peace

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Day 29

To live a happy life, you need to learn how to work well with others.. As believers, we are all in the same team together against the lies of satan,

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Day 28

We are so concerned with the pollution of the physical earth…and within reason, we should be concerned with this!.. But the physical earth is only temporary, and we are so

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Day 27

God created us to work. To subdue the earth and have dominion over every living creature (not human beings) (Genesis 1:28).. In other words, all of life, culture, and work

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Day 26

Sometimes, because of anxiety we let go of the promises God has given us.. Return to the strongest Absolute in your life – a perfect GOD who is wonderfully good,

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Day 25

Though your words are powerful and can have tremendous impact in people’s lives, your words alone do not have the power to call things that do not exist into being..

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Dat 24

When we pray with the scriptures, darkness trembles..! Positive praying is more effective than positive thinking.. All the positive thinking in the world isn’t going to change you, your spouse,

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Day 23

Your tongue is the rudder for your life; it determines the direction your life takes.. Next time you are tempted to say something negative about yourself, your future, your children,

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Day 22

Thoughts of success usually include money, influence, or fame – but this incorrect definition of success will hinder your influence for God, so beware, satan uses these wrong meanings of

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Day 21

Trust in God is the fuel that keeps us moving forward in faith..! Although you may not know what’s ahead, GOD does.. Choose to trust Him with all your relationships..

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