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Daily Word

Day 20

I can’t think of a more lofty goal for today than that the name of Jesus be glorified in what we do and say. But then Paul took it a

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Day 19

Water and Spirit — they track together as vital components in conversion and the new birth throughout the New Testament (Acts 2:38-41; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Titus 3:3-7). One is an act of

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Day 18

While we may have goals and a sense of mission for our lives, our future is not ours to determine. We can plan, but we must always do so with

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Day 17

As much as we want, we cannot live on last week’s provisions. Sooner or later we need to do something to replace the food and water that we have already

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Day 16

This was one of the most passionate speeches of Jesus Christ. He is before His disciples and encourages them to “abide” in Him. He uses the illustration of a vine

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Day 15

Sometimes the best way to overcome something is to replace it with the opposite. David decided to do this with fear. When he was surrounded by a mighty invading army

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Day 14

How serious are we about sin? The Bible reminds us how seriously God views it. The power of sin to entice, entrap, drag us away from our faith, harden our

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Day 13

Let’s commit to doing better at helping our new brothers and sisters in Christ grow in Christ. The apostles didn’t just lead people to Christ; they also encouraged and strengthened

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Day 12

Jesus saw the crowds and when He did, He was filled with compassion. He healed, taught, loved and cast out demons. Now it is our turn. “Ask”, He said, “the

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Day 11

The Bible uses the term “shepherd” for different kinds of Godly leaders. Only One, however, is the quintessential good Shepherd (Psalm 23:1-6; John 10:11-18). We follow this Shepherd because he values

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Day 10

When we hear of Christians in other places, especially where circumstances and times are difficult, or they are new to faith in Jesus, let’s intentionally and purposefully pray this prayer

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Day 9

The Hebrew word for name is “shem” which means “reputation, fame or glory”. The name, reputation and track record of The Lord are strong. He is undefeated, He is a

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Day 8

Wherever you find yourself today, know that God is doing a new thing in your life. Isaiah teaches us how to embrace all God is doing. To do this we

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Day 7

Most of us are familiar with the very personal declaration about God as the great Shepherd in Psalm 23. This Psalm is a plea for God to shepherd us and

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Day 6

Paul prays for God to be active in the lives of these new Christians in Thessalonica. He asks that God maximize the good they intend to accomplish and fully bless

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Day 5

Since “calling on the name of the Lord” is essential for salvation (Acts 22:16; Romans 10:9-13), then what is going to happen if we don’t speak about Jesus with those who do not

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Day 4

God, who is love, actively demonstrated His love through Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son and through Him offered salvation to all mankind. In Christ, we can see his love

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Day 3

There may be many who profess themselves as Christ’s disciples who are not his disciples indeed, but to earn recognition among others. Jesus assures them that their faith should abide

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