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Daily Word

Day 22

The word “submissive” is often viewed as positive or negative based on our personal experience. It is nice having someone serve us submissively, but serving someone else submissively is hard

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Day 21

Even the most pumped-up, excited, and optimistic among us can find ourselves broken, discouraged, and weary when facing challenging times in our lives. It isn’t hard to believe and follow

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Day 20

When we are young, we can have many tasks that need doing. Many fun and exciting things can also distract us from doing what is essential. So, we should ask

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Day 19

We live in an age where those who are older are often shoved aside, ignored, and forgotten. This is true in the professional world with employees and advancement. This is

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Day 18

Our goal as believers is to mature into the loving presence of Christ Jesus as his unified bodily presence in our divided world. This challenging goal can only be accomplished

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Day 17

As those living in the last days, each believer young and old, male and female must be Spirit-led and Spirit-empowered to give our personal testimony to the grace of God

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Day 16

Each generation must have its own first-hand experience of God’s power and presence to have enduring faith. This kind of faith takes more than receiving a godly heritage in faith

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Day 15

Practical loving concerns for the powerless and forgotten widows, fatherless, and foreigners among us. Showing love, concern, and care to all was essential to God and a concern embraced by

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Day 14

There is an eagerness, passion, and a clear sense of purpose that can go with being young, being headstrong, untested, and quick to react is how some older people might

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Day 13

How do you command the respect of others when you are young? You don’t! You earn that respect by the character and quality of your life. Those of us who

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Day 12

“Honor your father and mother…” (Exodus 20:12) is one of God’s Ten Commandments. This is basic to God’s plan for our lives. Families must be built on God’s covenant of

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Day 11

So many of us are so richly blessed, if not by physical and financial blessings, then most definitely by God’s gracious spiritual blessings. And his promises for the future give

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Day 10

We are on earth to glorify God with our lips, lives, hearts, and hands. With the world around us caught up in Satan’s traps, God wants us to hear his

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Day 9

Isaiah’s experience of God’s presence brought him sacred cleansing necessary for his life of service to Israel. Similarly, when we put the bread and wine to our lips during the Lord‘s

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Day 8

God is vastly superior and far more holy than we can ever be on our own merits. To come into his presence should shock us into the instant realization of

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Day 7

Jesus taught us that worship is not about a place but about our Father, Knowing that the heavenly hosts worship our Father should inspire, humble, and motivate us to do

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Day 6

We often view difficult times and crises as bad because our circumstances are challenging and confusing. However, difficult times can also be a God-provided opportunity for our hearts to re-awaken

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Day 5

In Christ, we are given many freedoms, freedom from law, sin, death, hell, fear, and so much more. And one of our greatest freedoms is God’s invitation to come before

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