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Daily Word

Day 2

You need freedom because without Jesus, you are a slave to the expectations of others, to the opinions of society, to past memories, to current pressures, and to future fears..

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Day 1

It is the wounded and hurt people who look for reasons to be offended.. Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe

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Day 30

Every time we pray with the Word of God, believing and without fear, we build our faith and every promise of GOD falls in line.. Therefore continue and continue to

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Day 29

Never let the times of this world make you forget what GOD has promised you in His Word..! Don’t stand behind the door of doubt and fear, instead open the

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Day 27

If you do not want to get bitten, stay away from the snakes..! No matter the temptation – whether it be to cheat in business, to get ahead with dubious

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Day 26

When fear says, “What If”, just bear in mind in that same way, faith says “Even If”..! Let your faith be bigger than your fear; have confidence in what you

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Day 24

When the Creator of the universe puts a command in your heart, He expects you to do it right away..! You may not understand God’s commands until you have first

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Day 23

Never be ashamed of who or where you used to be.. Be happy that it’s your testimony to how far Jesus has brought you now and still taking you higher..!

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Day 22

The world and media is what the enemy uses to influence you and messes with your mind and preoccupies you so that you forget the times GOD has come through

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Day 21

We think ordinary; God thinks extraordinary.. We think enough to get by; God thinks abundance.. We ask for the possible, when God wants to do the impossible.. We look at

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Day 20

From the wisdom and knowledge of scripture (The Word of God), we can make improved and wise decisions and become better people as we navigate the complexities of the world,

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Day 19

The door of opportunity is opened with two keys – your faith and your action..! Anyone can trust GOD when things are going their way.. But the real test is

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Day 17

GOD wants you to live a life of faith, not a life of feelings.. Feelings change from time to time and from person to person, but our goal as Believers

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Day 16

Emotional feelings are normal but they change all the time, so we should not, must not and cannot put our trust in anything that is marked by such instability as

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Day 15

Stop storing up in your mind and heart all the negativity that comes your way.. Instead start storing up the promises of God in your heart that will push off

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Day 14

We tend to test GOD with our HOW’s – how are we going to accomplish our dreams, or how are we going to get out of a difficulty.. But, GOD

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Day 13

Everybody has memories. Your memories are a choice to hold on or to let go..! Memories of good experiences have a huge influence over our behaviour.. Holding onto painful memories

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Day 12

People can dislike you, but it won’t harm you..! Just remember that you do not need anyone’s approval to be happy – you will be as happy and successful as

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