Day 24
Never place a mans opinion above GOD’s truth..! When people say it’s over for you, that’s when Jesus takes over and begins to reveal His power – once the testing
Never place a mans opinion above GOD’s truth..! When people say it’s over for you, that’s when Jesus takes over and begins to reveal His power – once the testing
Don’t let fear bully you..! Satan stands in the way of God’s blessings for us by masking himself as anxiety and worry – all fear-based emotions.. The Bible, however, has
When GOD plants a dream in your heart, hell will send a nightmare to steal it, via temptations, lack, doubts, and fears.. These don’t just go away, you have to
If you are spending more time complaining and talking about your problems than about GOD’s promises, it downgrades your faith in His Sovereignty (supremacy).. What moves GOD to act is
By worrying about tomorrow, there is nothing good that happens except we miss today’s joys and blessings… Let it go and leave everything in GOD’s able Hands..! Who better to
A key ingredient necessary for the abundant life Jesus promised is to establish a reason for living.. When you feel like giving up, give up your worries, not your faith,
Stress comes from trying to be someone you are not.. The way to counterbalance external pressures is to have an internal sense of satisfaction about WHO God made you be..
Time is too valuable to use it on things that are not profitable to the Kingdom of God.. Imagine eternity as a long line that just keeps going, and going,
GOD didn’t remove the Red sea, He parted it.. Sometimes, GOD doesn’t remove your problems He makes a way through them.. We all experience times of testing, which is normal
Sometimes God brings something to an end and shuts a door to get us ready for the new thing He is about to do for us.. Don’t get discouraged when
Almost everyone wants to be liked and it is tempting to want to please other people just to be accepted.. But don’t do it at the expense of pleasing God
Anything that replaces God in your life is an idol..! An idol is when something or someone becomes more important to us than God.. In ancient times that would have
Know that Faith is not faith until you put some action to your Faith..! Faith is the ability to believe, but that ability must be used and acted upon for
Anger always comes with a price tag..! When you lose your temper, you always lose – you lose someone’s respect, you lose the love of your family, you lose your
Those who feel deeply loved and deeply secure are generous and gracious to others.. But when someone is rude, bitter, unkind, sarcastic, mean-spirited, or arrogant, they are shouting out that
When we get irritated, it is because we feel everyone and everything has to revolve around us..! Don’t have someone locked up in an emotional prison just because we feel
Praise is how you should fight your battles..! There is such power in praise, for when we praise, God is magnified.. As we wield (use) words of adoration and gratitude
How often do we remember to thank GOD for answered prayers..? We tend to be experts on asking GOD for what we need, but often we take for granted His
JCILM GLOBAL- JESUS CHRIST IS LORD MINISTRIES is a LAY GLOBAL MINISTRY founded in India by Brother Johnson Sequeira on the Good News of Jesus Christ through the Word of God.