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Daily Word

Day 15

Power and success are dangerous blessings because they are amplifiers..! They always result in increased potential either for evil or for good – some fall into temptation and snare and

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Day 14

The greatest challenge we face is moral and spiritual decay..! History confirms what the Bible tells us about man’s nature – the heart of man is basically sinful, BUT, the

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Day 13

Every pain gives us a lesson and every lesson changes us..! Everywhere there is life, there is a cycle or pattern that was established before existence, BUT the only unchanging

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Day 12

Satan’s strategy is to turn your focus onto your weaknesses, and your shortcomings.. He wants you to take your eyes off the victory of the Cross, so he turns up

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Day 11

The door of opportunity is opened with two keys – your faith and your action..! Anyone can trust GOD when things are going their way.. But the real test is

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Day 10

When you come to GOD in prayer speaking His Word, it’s because you have faith He responds..! You begin to see GOD is bigger and more powerful than any of

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Day 9

Faith is a choice that we must make to take GOD at His Word..! Regardless of circumstances, despite arguments of logic or reason, and regardless of how we feel, we

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Day 8

Each woman carries her responsibilities differently..! Therefore, never compare each other, nor each other’s capabilities – no home, no workplace, nor country, can truly flourish if it stifles the potential

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Day 7

Every time fear tries to grip us, it’s the enemy trying to take us down and terrify us out of trusting God.. Demons are bullies; they tend to pick on

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Day 6

In GOD’s Word is life, and life is His Word.! God doesn’t separate Himself from His Word – He is faithful, He will not fail you.. For the word of

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Day 5

Your story has purpose..! No hurt, trial, or loss is ever wasted in God’s hands.. God can take things that are bad and put them in the crucible (melting pot)

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Day 4

The giants you face were not sent to defeat you but to show people the anointing on your life.. They may be bigger, stronger, more powerful but they are no

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Day 3

We represent Christ to the world..! Walking in love should be the distinguishing mark of us believers.. The world needs something to see before they can believe, and they cannot

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Day 2

It is time to trust the LORD completely, and lean into His goodness..! The LORD’s favour surrounds you like a shield, so do not get off loaded with whats going

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Day 1

God’s Spirit enables us, through fellowship with Him and with the Word of God, to discern and intercept the enemy’s schemes against us.. It only takes a fraction of a

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Day 28

When we give our best to other people, we are giving our best to GOD..! Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the

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Day 27

World events are colliding with prophetic timelines in ways that are creating us to lose hope due to constant disappointments.. Don’t let it stop your faith being activated, instead let

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Day 26

Lies and luxury (extravagance) have huge maintenance costs.. However, truth and simplicity are self maintained, therefore strive to live in GOD’s truth always.. These six things the Lord hates; Indeed,

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