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Daily Word

Day 11

Wisdom shows mercy, not judgement..! Wise people don’t emphasize other people’s mistakes.. You give people what they need, and not what they deserve.. You don’t judge them, you encourage them..

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Day 10

Life is a gift, so stir up what God put in you to make a mark on earth.. Make the most of your talents, dreams, and gifts, and with confidence

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Day 9

Many are living with hidden dreams, talents, and potential.. Quit hiding what God has given you – When God breathed His life into you, He created you to shine, to

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Day 8

When you are “uncommon” and you do the right thing when no one is looking, and keep your word when it costs you something, you can ask God for increase,

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Day 7

GOD created you to stand out in the crowd and to be a class above.. To be uncommon means you are passionate about your future and you live by a

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Day 6

It’s easy to fit in and do what everybody else is doing, go where everybody else is going, think like everyone else is thinking, complain just because others are complaining

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Day 5

JESUS’ Resurrection was a fatal blow to satan and his demonic allies..! The enemy has been defeated – it is not something we are waiting for, it has already happened,

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Day 4

❣️JESUS IS RISEN! HALLELUJAH!❣️ LET THE MIRACLE OF EASTER BRING YOU RENEWED HOPE, FAITH, LOVE, AND JOY Easter represents the freedom we have in living a victorious life connected to

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Day 3

Jesus has won the victory over death and satan, BUT, if you do not have the power of Christ in your life, then you are defenseless against the evil one..

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Day 2

On the cross on Great and Good Friday, Jesus forever destroyed satan’s power to control your mind, your life, and your destiny..! THANK YOU DEAREST JESUS FOR YOUR LOVE! Therefore,

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Day 1

We all have the power of influence.. We live in a broken world where everything calls us toward selfishness and despair.. However, GOD calls us to be an encourager and

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Day 31

The tests of life come to make or break you; make up your mind that you have been called to be a victor, and not a victim.. Your destiny is

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Day 30

Your gifts and talents given to you by God aren’t just for you; it’s to share with the world..! God has given you dreams and goals that are unique to

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Day 29

Don’t allow guilt, shame, or condemnation to have the final word in your life..! We all stumble.. We all fall.. We are all tempted to quit.. Therefore, don’t let the

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Day 28

As we begin Holy Week, may we constantly be reminded of its significance and value – the day when Jesus began His journey towards the cross.. No event in human

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Day 27

No matter who you are, or what you do, understand that you will misunderstand and be misunderstood..! When misunderstandings happen, pare (prune, clip off) your ego, but do not cut

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Day 26

What you tolerate will never change – Shut and seal the door to every place the enemy uses to access you.. Remember satan’s ultimate goal is not to rob you

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Day 25

It is not your job to judge or condemn others..! Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back

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