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Daily Word

Day 3

“Stand up and shout it if you love my Jesus…” That’s a song our children love to sing! But what happens to that youthful exuberance and joy at worshiping the Lord

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Day 2

God yearns for us to seek him and call out to him. Our verse for today is one of his many invitations to call on him and seek his will.

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Day 1

We have many choices as we decide the values governing our lives. So how will we find the best way and much more importantly, God’s way to live? We ask

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Day 31

Wouldn’t this description of Philemon be a great one to have said about you? I know I would love to have this reputation among God’s family! To be loved and

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Day 30

It is very easy to try and build our security around money, isn’t it? But world catastrophes, economic collapses, embargoes, pandemics, and natural disasters can wipe out the basis of

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Day 29

Worries are many, and they all seem to trouble our hearts around bill time or tax time, don’t they? Jesus reminded us that life is more than food, clothes, or

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Day 28

Paul was in prison when he wrote those words. I want the peace and joy from Jesus that assures contentment in any situation! However, I find it hard to be

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Day 27

God’s Word is life-giving because it is desired and spoken by God, it is guided and inspired by God. Therefore it is living and powerful. Its power lies in its

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Day 26

Anything cool and refreshing sounds incredibly wonderful. If you’ve ever worked a harvest and gotten the dust, plant fragments, and sweat up under your shirt, you know how refreshing a

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Day 25

Jesus had just taught hard and difficult truths. The crowd was angry and left because the Lord told them they only followed him because he fed them. As the crowd

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Day 24

Many people gave up following Jesus when things became hard for them to understand, or he said things they did not think were possible. When he shattered their preconceived notions

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Day 23

We often seek to attract large crowds to our churches, crusades, and rallies. Jesus also ministered to large crowds. However, the Lord‘s most passionate teaching on discipleship occurs away from the

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Day 22

In Jeremiah’s overwhelming, hair-raising, and depressing prophecies, God repeatedly told his people he would destroy their things and places because of their obstinate, ever-rebellious, and hardened hearts. Yet, in the

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Day 21

Where do you go when you are exhausted and in need of rest? No bed, vacation, or retreat can give us the genuinely refreshing, spiritual rest we desperately need apart

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Day 20

As Christians, we are meant to live in God’s environment of forgiveness and grace. As we forgive others, the basis of that forgiveness is the incredible debt that God has

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Day 19

Repentance is turning around our hearts and behaviors to align with God’s will, but that’s where God’s refreshment comes into our lives. God will not only lovingly receive us when

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Day 18

Without the Holy Spirit living in us, we are not children of God, Without the Spirit, the cleansing power of Jesus’ sacrifice would not be fully implemented in us. Without

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Day 17

What is the motivation for our behavior as a Christian person? It’s so easy to fall into the trap of doing religious things so that we will look good to

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