Day 19
We minister by grace. We are saved and made holy by God’s grace given us by Jesus. We are declared righteous and blameless before God because of the grace of
We minister by grace. We are saved and made holy by God’s grace given us by Jesus. We are declared righteous and blameless before God because of the grace of
This simple and straightforward passage cuts two ways: First, we are blessed when we bless God’s children, even if the blessing is simple. Second, we can rejoice when others do
Jesus is the ultimate one “who believes.” All things WERE and ARE possible for him. He longs to do great things through us, too! In fact, he promised he would do
Who are your closest friends? Genuine friendships are challenging in a world of superficial acquaintances, shallow relationships, online friends, and chronic busyness. Today’s meaning of “friend” is nearly empty of
In baptism, we are united with Christ in his death. Our old sinful selves are crucified with Christ. We are no longer slaves to sin. We are freed from sin,
It is hard not to get discouraged when evil and wicked people get away with what is reprehensible especially when they gloat about it. Christians on every continent have things
In a time when God’s people were in shambles physically and spiritually, he promised judgment — judgment on them and their oppressors. He also revealed why judgment was coming. He
Don’t you appreciate the phrase “the splendor of his holiness”! Don’t you long to behold that splendor? It conjures up reminders of Isaiah’s encounter with God in Isaiah 6 or John’s
We should worship God with reverence. What does that mean? Is the focus on his holiness? Does this warn of judgment against sin? Is this an expression of his purity?
Life is filled with many uncertainties. You never know when something unexpected is going to happen. You have no idea when the next disaster will strike. In a world filled
Now, we can hear a more powerful promise behind these words through the voice and writing of the apostle Paul to the Philippians. I have been privileged to be present
With whom do you compare our incomparable God? How do you grasp the infinite with a finite mind? When the quintessence of majesty is the God you contemplate, how can
Persecution around the world is at an all-time high. In some places, some mass murderers targeted those who believed in God. Though executed for their faith, their witness to the
While our national origins and ethnic heritages differ, we are members of one Kingdom. Our allegiance transcends ethnicity, race, culture, language, and nation. Why? Because we’ve been rescued from the
Our lives depend on trusting what we cannot see — things like gravity and the air we breathe. Faith in Jesus should be as natural as faith in those other
What brings you joy? What is your source of personal glory? Do you glory and rejoice in your accomplishments, your wealth, your status, your looks, your piety, your humility, your…?
Underneath this statement of grace lies the broken heart of God, the sacrifice of heaven, the brutality of supposedly religious men, and the searching love of our Father who would
This Messianic message from Zechariah anticipates the day of the Lord‘s redemption. Many different people from all over the world will come looking for God’s great mercy. God’s people will have
JCILM GLOBAL- JESUS CHRIST IS LORD MINISTRIES is a LAY GLOBAL MINISTRY founded in India by Brother Johnson Sequeira on the Good News of Jesus Christ through the Word of God.