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March 8

But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord… —Philippians 3:7-8.

Paul had accomplished great things in his mind, during his spiritual life as a teacher and Pharisee before he became a Christian. His devotion to God and the Word of God was legendary. He persecuted Christians because he thought they were blasphemers. But when he came to Jesus, he counted his past accomplishments as little more than garbage compared to knowing Christ and the grace he had received from God because of Jesus. Paul found salvation in Jesus, not just from sin and death, but salvation for a life of grace and power so that all people could be redeemed and find hope in Jesus.


May 5

[The Lord‘s Messiah] will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they will live securely, for then

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May 4

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. —Psalm 5:3. A beloved elder in a church and

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May 3

Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let

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