Day 3
God is faithful! Scripture declares it. Jesus’ life demonstrates it. We’ve experienced it. We cherish this promise of forgiveness and purification from God, especially when things don’t turn out as
God is faithful! Scripture declares it. Jesus’ life demonstrates it. We’ve experienced it. We cherish this promise of forgiveness and purification from God, especially when things don’t turn out as
The order of faithful obedience is always the same in Scripture: God reveals himself to us, blesses us with his grace, and then asks us to respond with obedience. In
The Bible repeatedly reminds us that we are in a spiritual war with strong and malicious forces that are spiritually and morally evil (Ephesians 6:10-12). We should steer clear of
Do you have friendships with new believers? Peter, Paul, and Barnabas remind us that becoming a Christian can be challenging to these new believers. Many of them face rejection, hardship,
What is our role in the grand scheme of things? In Psalm 21, the Spirit emphasizes our importance as God’s cheerleaders and worshipers. We ask God to reveal himself in
How do we win the hearts of those hostile to us and our faith? How do we influence them to follow Jesus? While we need skilled defenders and expositors of
So much of what we pursue is fleeting. Once we acquire it, we try to preserve it! Why? Because we know it will soon be gone. God has promised us
So many of the material things we pursue are temporary. Their usefulness lasts only months, or at most, only a few short years. Even our lives, and the lives of
John presents us with two truths The person who CONTINUES to live a life caught up in sin has been co-opted and deceived by the devil’s influence in their lives.
Aren’t we so very silly sometimes! We hide what we’ve done and what we’re planning from the Lord. Of course, we’re only fooling ourselves. At first glance, God’s knowing our plans
In times of horror and disaster, people routinely ask, “Where is God in all of this?” In reality, we often leave God at the periphery of our lives and look
Crucifixion was so hideous, so inhumane, and vile that the words “crucify” (σταυρόω) and “cross” (σταυρός) were not considered appropriate in polite speech in Greek and Roman culture. Crucifixion was
God demands a lifestyle of a higher standard for His children. He desires for us to become more and more like Jesus as we mature in our faith. In verses
Do you want to know who walks with Jesus daily? Look for people whose lives resemble Jesus’ life! The apostle Paul describes it as having “the aroma of Christ” (2
Do you want a clear, simple, straightforward word from the Lord today? That’s what Zechariah gives us. He reminds us that God wants us to be fair, compassionate, caring, without prejudice,
We minister by grace. We are saved and made holy by God’s grace given us by Jesus. We are declared righteous and blameless before God because of the grace of
This simple and straightforward passage cuts two ways: First, we are blessed when we bless God’s children, even if the blessing is simple. Second, we can rejoice when others do
Jesus is the ultimate one “who believes.” All things WERE and ARE possible for him. He longs to do great things through us, too! In fact, he promised he would do
JCILM GLOBAL- JESUS CHRIST IS LORD MINISTRIES is a LAY GLOBAL MINISTRY founded in India by Brother Johnson Sequeira on the Good News of Jesus Christ through the Word of God.