Day 4
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE it is not too late to accomplish everything, God has placed in my heart. I have not missed my window of opportunity. God’s favor is in
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE it is not too late to accomplish everything, God has placed in my heart. I have not missed my window of opportunity. God’s favor is in
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE I have the grace I need for today. I am full of power, strength, and determination. Nothing I face is too much for me. I overcome
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE I experience God’s faithfulness. I do not worry. I do not doubt. I keep my trust in Him, knowing that He does not fail me. I
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE God’s incredible blessings over my life. I witness an explosion of God’s goodness, a sudden widespread increase. I experience the surpassing greatness of God’s favor. It
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE everything that doesn’t line up with God’s vision for my life is subject to change. Sickness, trouble, lack, mediocrity, are not permanent. They are only temporary.
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE God goes before me making crooked places straight. He has already lined up the right people, the right opportunities and solutions for me. No person, no
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE God is working all things together for my good. He has a master plan for my life. There may be things I don’t understand right now
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE that God does supernatural things in my life.I pray bold prayers and expect big and believe big. God brings to pass those hidden dreams that are
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE I am equipped for every good work God has planned for me. I am anointed and empowered by the Creator of the universe. Every bondage, every
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE, I choose faith over fear. I meditate on what is positive and what is good about my situation. I use my energy, not to worry, but
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE I survive, I thrive, I prosper despite every difficulty that may come my way. I know every setback is a setup for a comeback. I do
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE I speak only positive words of faith and victory over myself, my family, and my future. I do not use my words to describe my situation,
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE I am a people builder. I look for opportunities to encourage others to bring out the best in them and to help them accomplish their dreams.
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE I live victoriously. I am created in the image of God. I have the DNA of a winner. I am wearing a crown of favor. Royal
FAITH DECLARATIONS I DECLARE God’s supernatural favor over my life. What I could not make happen on my own, God has made happen for me. Supernatural opportunities, healing, restoration, and
DÉCLARATIONS DE FOI JE DÉCLARE que des améliorations sont ici et maintenant dans ma vie, des explosions soudaines de la bonté de Dieu. Pas un écoulement. Pas un ruisseau. Mais
ඇදහිල්ලේ ප්රකාශයන් මම ප්රකාශ කරන්නේ හදිසි පිපිරීම් බදුවූ දෙවියන් වහන්සේගේ යහපත්කම් සහ මාගේ ජීවිතයේ ඉදිරි ගමනක් මෙහි සහ දැන් ඇති බවයි. එය රැල්ලක් නොවේ. ධාරාවක් නොවේ. නමුත් දෙවියන් වහන්සේගේ බලයේ
BHAVARTHACHI PORGOTNIM Hanv porgot korta ki mhojem jivit achkit, avchituch Devachea boreponnacho umalo mhojea jivitacher aila. Thembea thembeani nhoi. Zhori bhaxen nhoi. Punn Devachea podvecho vhal vhavta. Pekovnecho vhal. Gineanacho
JCILM GLOBAL- JESUS CHRIST IS LORD MINISTRIES is a LAY GLOBAL MINISTRY founded in India by Brother Johnson Sequeira on the Good News of Jesus Christ through the Word of God.