I DECLARE there is an anointing of ease on my life. God is ever before me, He has made crooked places straight. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. I do not struggle. What used to be difficult is not difficult anymore. God’s favor and blessing on my life has lightened the load and taken the pressure off. I cast all care unto Him, for He cares for me. This is my declaration.
I am what God says I am and I can do what He says I can do. Christ in me is my victory and glory in this life, for I am a member of His body, His flesh, and His bones. I am ruling, reigning, and prevailing with Him over the world and the circumstances of life. My body is fully yielded to the Spirit of God and the lordship of His Word. Therefore, my body can’t be weak or prone to depreciation. My body is daily vitalized by The Word of God, and I am continually cleansed by its inherent power. Glory to God. Amen.