Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. —Psalm 37:6-7.
If you listen to these words carefully, heaven says, “Come into God’s presence with dependent yet confident patience and silence.” But how can we when our world is frantic, noise is everywhere, and evil seems to abound? We know God will do what is right for us over the passage of time and eternal time. The Bible is God’s story. More than history, it is HIS-story. It is our great reminder that God is always faithful to his promises, gracious in his power to redeem, and generous with his love shared with his children. So come into God’s presence and be willing to be still, patient, trusting, and hopeful! God is on his throne. We can have a holy chill-out rest in his grace as we trust in his faithfulness.