Rest is a weapon given to us by God..!
The enemy hates it because he wants you to be stressed & occupied with unwholesome activities..
When you are living with no rest, it makes you tired physically & spiritually – that’s when you are most vulnerable to deception, doubt, & discouragement..
When we’re tired, we’re more apt to make poor decisions, give in to selfish cravings or indulge in down-spiraling self-talk. We excuse our behavior because, after all, we’re tired, but the poor choices can lead to lifelong consequences..
How can you rest well without succumbing to sinful choices?..
Invite God to share your space so He can teach you how to find rest for your soul..
– Admit your weakness.
The poet of Psalm 43:5 spoke plainly: “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why the unease within me? …”. It’s all right to cry out, “Lord, I’m exhausted.”..
– Seek God’s counsel.
Rely on God’s better judgment. Ask Him to speak truth and wisdom into your weary brain. In Psalm 46:10, He says, “Be still, and know that I am God…” Be still and relax in the Lord. He is in control and you will hear His calming voice and rest upon His strength..
– Be on your guard.
Ask God to help you think clearly enough to see satan’s deceptions. “Lest satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2 Corinthians 2:11)
– Slow down, but don’t stop.
Sleep might be what you need most, but filling your waking moments with wholesome activity will protect you from destructive thought patterns and tempting, unwholesome choices. “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” (Proverbs 16:3)
Exhaustion doesn’t have to lead to foolish choices. When you lean on God, you will find the replenishing rest you need most..
“Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile……..”….”(Mark 6:31)
January 21
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good