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Day 7

Everyone goes through times in their lives when they hit rock bottom and all hope seems lost..
For some people, this might mean dealing with the storms of life or simply managing day to day stress..
Yet for others, rock bottom may include battling a mental health disorder or an addiction..
However, even when things feel hopeless, God always provides a lifeline and a way out..
He knows your deepest hurts and the ache within, and He is faithful to provide comfort even in your darkest times..
– When You Hit Rock Bottom: Go to Jesus as Fast as You Can
When we hit rock bottom because of personal failure, it’s so easy to wallow in our self-inflicted pain. When we sin and betray Jesus, it’s right to grieve greatly over our mistakes. But grieving that ends with grieving and not with repentance is not from God. Eventually we have to realize we have more opportunities to be with Jesus than the ones we’ve previously failed in..
– When You Hit Rock Bottom: Stay Around People Who Recognize Jesus
Sometimes we are so low and we become so down on ourselves, we can’t see our circumstances clearly and we need the eyes, ears and mouth of others. When we are at our lowest, we need people who can recognize Jesus and point us to Him..
– When You Hit Rock Bottom: Receive Jesus’ Restoration, Even When It’s Painful
Restoration hurts. Repentance hurts. Receiving the loving correction of Jesus Christ hurts. When we hit rock bottom, we must be willing to receive discipline, even when it’s painful. The way to recover from personal failure is not to act like your sins were not that bad. The way to be rebuilt is to recognize you are at rock bottom because of your own sinful choices, and then you must be determined to rely on the grace and direction of Jesus Christ, no matter how painful His plan may be to pull you up out of that pit. His plans are always for your good because He loves you..
-When You Hit Rock Bottom: Follow Jesus
Jesus is telling us all, “When you don’t know what to do, follow Me. When you’ve turned and failed again even after you promised Me you would never sin again, follow Me. When you’re at the lowest point you’ve ever been in your entire life, follow Me.”..
– When You Hit Rock Bottom: Feed Jesus’ Sheep
It should be no surprise that when we are at our lowest, Jesus will come along and tell us to follow Him and serve His people. The way God tells us to live our life, at its simplest, can be boiled down to two objectives: Love God and love people..
– When You Hit Rock Bottom: Build on Rock, Not Sand
To obey Jesus, we need to come to the end of ourselves and rely completely upon His grace. Let us leave our personal failures and disobedience behind as we follow Christ and build our house/our life on the rock – Jesus Christ!..
“And the rain fell, and the floods and torrents came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock……” (Matthew 7:25)


February 23

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February 22

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February 21

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