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Day 6

Pruning is not a punishment for a Christian; it is a reward..!
God is the vinedresser who prunes the life of everyone who abides in Christ & bears the fruit of Christ because of His love for us..
Spiritual pruning enhances spiritual growth by removing whatever inhibits spiritual growth in us..
As you mature in Christ, there will be things that you no longer desire as your desire for God increases. There may also be things that you try to hold on to, things that God wants you to let go of. In both cases, God will remove those items from your life..
An area that is sick will never be able to grow to its full potential. Until it’s healed, it will always be bound and restricted in some way. Thought patterns developed in childhood, traumas from the past, and influences from culture have shaped our thinking. Once in Christ, we have to allow God to help us renew our minds so we no longer think and act according to the pattern of the world. This type of pruning may look like God instructing you to guard your heart and mind by changing who you follow and listen to, what you watch, or who you take advice from..
He’ll also reveal the roots of your vices, insecurities, and fears, and teach you how to walk in freedom. It may mean forgiving that person who abused you, finding love and acceptance in Christ instead of romantic relationships, or seeking counseling to work through childhood trauma..
Sometimes God has to remove good things that aren’t good for you. If left unchecked, they will hinder your spiritual growth in the long run. Often, what holds us back aren’t people or environments, but habits and mindsets..
For example, you may be praying to God for a higher-paying job so you can be financially secure, but God says no and tells you to keep the job you have. This may seem unfair or like God doesn’t have your best interest at heart, but trust me He does. Maybe you’ve been unfaithful with stewarding the income you have (not tithing, racking up credit card debt, etc…) and He knows you’re not ready to handle more. He doesn’t want to give you more money because He knows you’ll dig yourself into a deeper hole. You may think if you had more you’d manage it better but more money doesn’t equal more discipline. God wants to develop your discipline and self-control..
Without pruning, a tree’s branches will grow in any and every direction. There is no focus. For a season, those branches grow leaves and bear fruit, but eventually, too many branches become more of a burden than a blessing..
We can become so passionate about doing so many things for God that we forget to do things with Him, and at His pace. You need to be intentional not to pursue anything unless God is leading you to. Otherwise, your attention will be too divided and you will miss out on the thing God wants you to focus on. We have to allow God to lead us so that we don’t become burdened and overwhelmed with things He never told us to take on; things that will distract us from His will. Allow God to set your priorities and focus. Don’t burden yourself trying to keep up with society’s expectations..
Surrender to Christ and take on His yoke. After all, His burden is easy and light
Stay focused on Jesus, the author and, perfecter of your faith (Heb 12:2). In Him, you can do all things (Phil 4:13)..
“Consider it a sheer gift…Let it do its work so you become mature & well-developed, not deficient in any way……”(James‬ ‭1:2,4)


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January 14

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January 13

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