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Day 5

If you want to be respected, bring out the best in others..
Let not your attitude and behaviour bring out their worst instincts, reactions, fears, or negativity..
Here is a simple rule of thumb for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you; then grab the initiative and do it for them! (Luke 6:31)
If your goals are good, you will be respected, but if you are looking for trouble, that is what you will get. (Proverbs 11:27)
To have respect for a person involves a fundamental belief in their right to exist, to be heard, & to have the same opportunities as everyone else, enhancing what can be achieved together..!
When a person has proven to be someone of outstanding achievements and has abilities that we admire, it is customary to be more respectful to them. In addition, it is easy to show respect and honor to someone who has had a profound impact on our lives directly or indirectly..
What can be a challenge is to show respect to someone who has hurt us in the past, or is a person whose actions we disagree with. These people have qualities that aren’t so admirable, and they do not have an excellent track record..
It’s not always easy…That is why we have help and strength available to us from God. It is beyond our own finite abilities..
Even if it hurts, you will always be more at peace when you find ways to be the bigger person when you show respect..
“For I will have respect unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, and establish My covenant with you….” (Leviticus 26:9)


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