Jesus says there is more happiness in giving..!
That’s the exact opposite of the way the world thinks..
However, when you are generous, it results in joy because it feels good to give, and moreover, it makes us more like Jesus..
Those who live to bless others
will have blessings heaped upon them,
and the one who pours out his life to pour out blessings
will be saturated (soaked) with favor..
“In everything I showed you [by example] that by working hard in this way you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed [and brings greater joy] to give than to receive.”…”(Acts 20:35)
March 6
Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the