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Day 30

Stay focused on the prize – JESUS..!
When you focus on the problem, the problem consumes you..
When you stay focused on Jesus and His Word, He fills your days with laughter and your bitter midnights with a song..
Therefore do not let satan steal your joy and rob you of your peace..
But let all who take refuge in You rejoice;
let them sing joyful praises forever.
Spread Your protection over them,
that all who love Your Name may be filled with joy.
For You bless the godly, O Lord;
You surround them with your shield of love..
“…Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.…..”(Ephesians 4:23‬)


July 26

Moses thought that his own people would realize that God was using him to rescue them, but they did not. —Acts 7:25. Timing can be everything. Well, maybe not everything,

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July 25

What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God — through Jesus Christ our Lord! —Romans 7:24-25. Our bodies are

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July 24

[The word of the Lord came to Ezekiel and said: “This is what the Sovereign Lord says to the land of Israel…] Prepare chains, because the land is full of

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