The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions (character), & not upon our circumstances..
Our circumstances don’t create what’s in our heart..
Remember, our situation is simply the stage on which the heart’s condition is revealed..
The Bible says nothing is hidden from Him which means even the parts of your heart that you’ve kept to yourself, God sees them. God sees all..
Things God Searches the Heart to Find
– God Searches The Heart For Humility.
Humility keeps us teachable. It is what allows us to receive direction and correction from God. It’s humility that leads to repentance..
– God Looks At The Heart To See If His Words Are There.
The Bible is the foundation of our lives as Christians. When God searches your heart, will His words and instruction be found there?..
– God Searches The Heart For Sin.
Not to condemn you for it, but to cleanse you from it. He searches for sin. When He finds sin He reveals it to us (this is called conviction) and helps us get back on the right path. His kindness leads us to repentance..
– The Lord Looks At the Heart to See Our Love for Him.
The greatest freedom we will ever know is a result of our love and commitment to God. We follow what we love; if we truly love God and walk with Him He’ll lead us into an abundant and eternal life with Him..
– God’s Love For People.
A relationship with God is a very personal one, but it doesn’t stop with you and Jesus. Part of loving Him is loving who He loves. Loving other people. Is there a place in your heart for loving people?..
– A Heart Of Obedience.
God wants to produce in us repentant hearts; hearts that are grieved by sin and willing to turn away from it. Hearts of obedience. Why? Because obedience to God is evidence of our love for Him..
– God Searches Your Heart To Guard It.
God partners with us to protect our hearts and minds from things that don’t belong; hurt and fear are two great examples of things He helps us guard against. More often than not, hurt hardens our hearts. Hurt that goes unattended has the potential to lead us into unhealthy (and even sinful) choices and emotions. God searches the heart for hurt so that He can bring healing. He searches the heart for fear so He can help you conquer it..
– God Searches The Heart For Holiness.
When we live set apart we intentionally make choices that honor and protect our relationship with God. We learn to love what He loves, value what He values, and pursue what He pursues. Holiness is the result of God’s ongoing work in our lives. We may never be perfect people, but when God searches the heart, will He see evidence of His work in your life there?..
“God, I invite Your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me. Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares. See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting way— the path that brings me back to You.….”(Psalm 139:23-24)
February 23
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of