The right thing to do in life, is bring glory to God because there is no One Greater who is worthy of trust, adoration, & worship..!
1. What does it mean to do something for God’s glory?
To do something for God’s glory means to give God all credit and honor..
2. Since God already has all the glory—it’s not something He depends on us to give Him—how do we actually “give Him glory”?
The idea of doing something for God’s glory or giving God glory is basically a matter of agreeing through our lives with who He already is! We acknowledge what God already possesses..
3. Glorifying God involves focusing on Him as God and not on ourselves as gods.
The “god of self” can slip into our hearts and minds and take over the throne of our lives so subtly (slyly) that we don’t notice the switch..
4. How can I glorify God in everything I do?
– by my faith
– by my prayer
– by my study of the Word of God
– by my worship
– in all that I do (giving God the glory & not any person or thing)
– by loving Him & others
– by obeying Him
“Practically everything that goes on in the world—wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important—has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from Him. The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out—but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity.….”(1 John 2:16-17)
January 21
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good