Do not tell God all the reasons you cannot be blessed, you cannot get well, you cannot accomplish your dream..
You are seeing it only from a human point of view – Have a new perspective..
Look at it from the way God sees it and choose to believe what He has said in His Word..
Stretch your believing! Stretch your faith!
Consider the following when it comes to the ways God may want to stretch you:
God may want you to DO something.
God may want you to STOP DOING something.
God may want you to GIVE something.
God may want you to SAY something.
God may want you to STOP SAYING something.
God may want you to SELL something.
God may want you to BUY something. (presumably for a person or ministry in need)
God may want you to START something.
God may want you to END something.
God may want you to LOVE someone.
God wants to stretch you today! Be open to Him! You have your coach the Holy Spirit to help you..
As you follow instructions God wants to make impossible things possible for you..
“Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God”……”(Luke 18:27)
February 23
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of