Focus on the promises of God, not your problems..!
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength..
Doubts, fears, and concerns are paralysing – they will not take away tomorrow’s troubles..
It will actually rob you of any peace you have..
Remember that worrying is a mental habit that you can choose to break – don’t let fear and doubt prohibit (stop) your ability to reason correctly..
Therefore let the promises of GOD bypass any trauma (a deeply distressing or disturbing experience) you are facing and bring enduring peace to your life instead..!!
““Don’t be afraid,” he said, “for you are very precious to God. Peace! Be encouraged! Be strong!” As he spoke these words to me, I suddenly felt stronger and said to him, “Please speak to me, my lord, for you have strengthened me.””…..”(Daniel 10:19)
March 12
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. —Psalm 37:4. Be careful not to misread this promise as saying that God will give us