Someone who has the ‘Joy of the Lord’, is someone whose hope is not shaken by life’s ups and downs..
Irrespective of any crisis or darkness, you are ‘full of Joy’ because you are confident that GOD is at work amidst trials and that great victories await you at the end of the story..!
Joy comes from the preaching of the Gospel and knowing what Jesus has already done, finished, accomplished and guaranteed for us on the cross..
Joy comes when we know we are already victorious because we know the end result from the beginning and that end result is victory..
Joy comes from knowing that God loves us unconditionally and it does not depend on our performance..
Joy comes when we know we are fighting from victory and not for victory..
“Because of you, I know the path of life, as I taste the fullness of joy in your presence. At your right side I experience divine pleasures forevermore!”……”(Psalm 16:11 TPT)
January 21
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good