Faith in God is an active dependence on Him..
Just the mere fact that you’re awake today is a testimony that you can depend on God. Day after day His faithfulness towards us is shown, regardless if we acknowledge it or not. But we oftentimes have a hard time depending on God because we can’t ‘see’ Him..
Depending on God goes back to having faith in God..
– Daily Prayer.
How does prayer work? Prayer is our communication with God. It is us having a conversation with the Father of all creation. And through Jesus Christ, the Savior, we can now come bold towards His throne of grace to petition our needs and give thanks (Hebrew 4:16). When you maintain a daily prayer life, you are actively depending on God to hear and answer your prayer. You are building a relationship with Him and therefore you will be more inclined to trust His Word.
– Start with the small stuff.
If you’re having a hard time depending on God for the big stuff maybe you can start to depend on God for little things. Many times we think that God doesn’t care about our small problems like whether or not we pass an exam or if we get a parking at the mall. But God cares about all of our problems, even the ones you deem insufficient.
When you depend on God to provide for the little things in your life and He comes through for you, you can see that He is working. It will be a testimony to you that God is able to do exceeding abundantly all you can ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). By beginning to depend on God for the small stuff in your life, you’re gradually growing your faith.
– Practice obedience.
The Word of God (the Bible) is living and is capable of changing anyone. Many times we find ourselves in situations that we’re not supposed to be in because we refused to obey God’s Word. God’s Word says to go right but we, being stubborn-minded decide to go left instead.
But when we begin to be obedient to what God says, we will find that our lives will feel much more fulfilling. Obedience can be difficult at times, especially if we have prolonged sinful habits. But by practicing obedience to God’s Word we are depending on Him to help us remain faithful. And even if we fall we know that He is willing to pick us up back again and grant us forgiveness. (1 John 1:9)
– Less of me, more of Him.
We conquer the world by allowing Christ’s character to dwell within us. By the constant renewal of your mind, you will become more and more like Jesus. (Romans 12:2)
It could be as simple as not answering back that annoying co-worker or getting up earlier to spend quality time with God. Whatever it may be; when you ask the Holy Spirit to daily guide your ways, you will find that being like Christ will become more and more a part of your natural attitude.
– Fasting.
Fasting is a practical way to train your mind and your body to physically depend on God for strength. There are some things (unbelief) that only go through prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21), therefore every Christian at some point in their journey should fast.
Fasting doesn’t only have to be from food, but it can be from anything that you indulge in, helping you to get rid of those bad habits. When you fast be sure to pray as well, so that you focus your mind on God and depend on Him for the strength to get through the process.
“For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you…….” (Isaiah 41:13)
January 15
Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. —Psalm 100:3. God made us and