A need is something that is necessary for living..
A want is something that is not necessary for living and is not necessarily sin, but may or may not be appropriate for me to experience or possess..
Our ‘needs’ & ‘wants’ change with societal changes & we tend to get caught up in things that give us a temporary kick to life, but then they kick back..
They may look like freedom, but they do not last – They lead to despair, not dignity; they end in depression, not delight..
There is something inside of us which the Bible calls our flesh. This selfish appetite strongly desires the things and experiences that this world offers, deceiving us into thinking that these things are actually needs but are exaggerated, and misrepresented versions of genuine needs….
We need food, but should avoid gluttony (Proverbs 23:19-21)..
We need hydration, but should avoid intoxicating beverages (Proverbs 23:31-32)..
We need sleep and rest, but should avoid laziness (Proverbs 6:9-11)..
We need clothing, but should avoid excessive inventory (Luke 12:15)..
We believe that we need far more things, and far more expensive things than is actually the case. We look at our neighbors, we see the advertisements and we listen to our own exaggerated hearts. And what is the unhappy result? We think we need so many things, when so much of what we accumulate and pursue is nothing more than a want. So much of our debt, schedule and stress is the result of pursuing things that we don’t need in the first place..
As Christians, we should know that what we “need” above all else is a close, intimate, sincere relationship with Father God through Jesus Christ. How can that satisfy our needs? Because with Jesus we have “the peace that surpasses understanding.” We know our eternity is secured, and there is no greater need, or want, than that..
With Jesus, we have the Holy Spirit living in us and with us, guiding and comforting us. With the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, we have Heaven right here in our souls. Knowing that truth, what else do we really need? In fact, what else do we really want?..
But God is also pleased to satisfy wants that fit within His purpose and will (Psalm 37:4). And while He isn’t obligated to grant wishes or fulfill any plans but His own, He says that those who seek Him won’t lack any good thing..
There is certainly nothing wrong with wanting more material things, as long as our priorities are in order. Let us never forget to praise the Giver of all things for meeting our basic needs, and let us make sure that our wants line up with His will for our lives in the Name of Jesus. Amen..
“I am convinced that my God will fully satisfy every need you have, for I have seen the abundant riches of glory revealed to me through Jesus Christ!…..(Philippians 4:19)
February 23
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of