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Day 22

Your ability to FEEL is a gift from God; this emotional ability allows you to love, and create, and steers you to be faithful, loyal, kind, and generous..
However, emotional extremes to avoid are emotionalism (hysteria), and stoicism (indifference)..!
The truth is, God gave you your feelings and emotions for a reason. Living by faith doesn’t mean we ignore them. They are not evil by themselves, but what we allow our thoughts to dwell on, may be negative and causing an unhealthy overload of negative emotions..
Our emotions and feelings are normal and natural because they come from God. Scripture shows God displaying a wide range of emotions. The difference between the Lord and ourselves is our emotions or feelings can lead us to sin, while God’s emotions or feelings are righteous and come from a place of love for His people..
Yes, God has emotions and feelings. He experiences joy, sadness, hatred towards sin, love, gladness, anger, jealousy (not wanting us to be led by false gods), and compassion like us. He understands our tears and our smiles. He understands when we get upset and angry. And because He does, we can rest assured that He understands when we become emotional. Don’t be ashamed of your emotions. Instead, go to God in prayer, laying your feelings and emotions at His feet. He cares for you and your feelings..
“When He saw the vast crowds of people, Jesus’ heart was deeply moved with compassion, because they seemed weary and helpless, like wandering sheep without a shepherd.….”(Matthew 9:36)


February 23

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of

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February 22

Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him! —Isaiah 30:18 God

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February 21

A person of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother or sister. —Proverbs 18:24. Close spiritual friends are rare —

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