– Leaders are servants first.
Jesus taught His disciples not to emulate the rulers of the Gentiles who exercised authority over them. Instead, He taught that in order for us to be leaders, we must become servants first..
– Fairness is a leader’s moral obligation.
A leader’s credibility is based on how he upholds truth and fairness over his organisation. Honest and truthful leaders are appreciated and their legacy will be known long after their reign..
– Leaders see strength in their followers.
Leaders are humble and do not boast. They are also encouraging of others, and do not belittle their followers just because of their lack of capacity on something. They see potential in the uniqueness of their followers..
– Great leaders are tactful.
Great leaders know when to open their mouths. They know when to speak and whom to speak with. They realise that no good will come from engaging in heated arguments with people, and instead express themselves calmly and thoughtfully..
– Good leaders are willing to take advice.
When leaders are ready and open to taking advice, their ideas become limitless. They can think of innovative ways to improve themselves and the company..
– Leaders are lifters who value justice & give good examples.
A leader of good judgment gives stability & push the thinking of their teammates beyond old boundaries of creativity.
They improve people’s confidence in themselves & others..
Above all;
“Good leadership is a channel of water controlled by GOD; He directs it to whatever ends He chooses.….”(Proverbs 21:1)
February 23
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of