GOD doesn’t limit Himself to just using HIS people to build nations, He uses those who even contradict or don’t believe His will..
But, GOD knows what He is doing..!!
God is in control, yet choosing to work through human beings, even gentiles (non-believers), to accomplish His will..
Workplace Christians today also live in trust that God is active through the decisions and actions of non-Christian people and institutions..
The actions of our boss, co-workers, customers and suppliers, rivals, regulators or a myriad of other actors may be furthering the work of God’s kingdom unrecognized by either us or them..
That should prevent us from both despair and arrogance..
If Christian people and values seem absent from your workplace, don’t despair — God is still at work..
On the other hand, if you are tempted to see yourself or your organization as a paragon (perfect example) of Christian virtue, beware!..
God may be accomplishing more through those with less visible connection to Him than you realize..
God is at work far beyond what meets the eye of His people..
He will make certain that, finally, everything is fulfilled in HIS Word – using even the unconscious obedience of unbelievers..
“So the LORD God All-Powerful made everyone eager to work on His temple….”(Haggai 1:14)
February 23
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of