Gossips are worse than thieves..!
They steal another person’s dignity, honour, reputation, and credibility (trustworthiness)..
Remember this when your utterances are baseless..
When your feet slip, you can always recover your balance, BUT when your tongue slips you cannot recover those words..!!
Do not let unwholesome; foul, profane, worthless, vulgar words ever come out of your mouth, but only such speech as is good for building up others, according to the need and the occasion, so that it will be a blessing to those who hear you speak..
“If you think you are being religious, but can’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is useless…” (James 1:26)
February 23
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of