When you are trying to apply your faith, being in a hurry can mess you up..
Stress makes you believe that everything has to happen right now..
Faith says when the seed of faith is planted there is t-i-m-e and then harvest..
The problem is, we get real ugly while waiting for God to make everything beautiful in His time!..
Our tempers flare, we get discouraged and depressed, and certainly our faith begins to waver, while our doubts remain steadfast, then of course unbelief snuggles up next to us every night closer than our pillows and covers..
Our attitudes go through a period of needing some serious adjusting and resetting..
Our speech and thoughts become negative and pessimistic. Jealousy and envy and coveting rear their ugly heads, because now we believe God has favorites and we’ve clearly not made the cut to be on His team..
Resentment, bitterness and anger all become a part of our daily garments as much as our clothes and shoes are..
We even want to help God with a back-up plan like Sarah (whose idea brought about Ishmael) because we think His plan is not working..
Yet even with something as important, urgent and vital as our salvation, God still waited for the right, set time to fully arrive in His plan before He sent His Son..
And if He’ll wait for the right timing for that, He’ll wait for the right timing concerning all things concerning us!..
We may be in a hurry, BUT GOD’S NOT! He is waiting for the fullness of time!..
In other words, God is waiting for the absolute perfect timing to bring things to pass in your life, and when it does come, it will be more than you could have asked, dreamed or imagined. (Ephesians 3:20)
Just think about, when the time fully came for Him to send His Son, did we lack anything in receiving Him? Absolutely not! In fact, yes, He came to save us, but we received so much more than just salvation; we’ve been saved, healed, delivered, redeemed, justified, made righteous, consecrated, gifted, anointed, protected, provided for..
When you wait for God to do it in His timing and in His way, according to His plan, you will receive perfected promises!..
People of God, you don’t want to lose everything because you couldn’t wait! Don’t attempt to take things into your own hands. If God set a date and a time, wait for it to come to pass no matter how slow the timing may be..
God knows what He’s doing and doesn’t need your assistance at all!..
God is following a careful process, invisible to you, but it will bring glory to Him and it will bring lasting joy to you..
But right now He’s taking time to get you ready for the answer, recreating you into someone who has mountain-moving faith..
Because if you don’t have to wait, you don’t have to develop faith. And all of us, no matter how powerful we think we are, need our faith to experience life events that cause it to develop..
Your faith muscles need exercise so they can be strengthened to develop and the weights that work best for this is tests and challenges that come at you from all sides!..
Strengthening your faith in the waiting time brings you peace like you’ve never known. It gives you the reassurance that God is at work, and you will be rewarded, in the fullness of time!..
So, don’t rush, don’t panic, and don’t try to get out of any situation that God is using for your ultimate good!..
The waiting time is your developing time..
We don’t need to know the timing of God, we just need to wait on it. We’ll never fully understand what God does, but knowing that He’s the one doing it, should bring us reassurance and comfort, and certainly more faith, patience, expectation and anticipation that something good is on the way..
He’s Set the Right Time for Everything Concerning You…Now Leave the Clock Alone and Stop Trying to Hurry the Hand of God!..
“Wait for and confidently expect the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for and confidently expect the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14)
February 23
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of