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Day 17

Jesus is our example of walking in love..
Love is giving one’s self as a servant in obedience to God, which is an offering and sacrifice to Him..
We are called to serve not only the people we see in our daily lives but look for opportunities to serve the oppressed, orphaned, widows, and seek the cause of justice whenever we have the opportunity..
All of this starts with inviting God into our days and asking Him to be our strength..
Service without love at the center, most of the time, leads to bad outcomes..
If love is so central to getting our relationships right, what does love look like?..
Love is God and God is love..
We only love because God so graciously first loved us. Beyond just loving us He gives us His Spirit to live in US..
How do we love? Only through the power of the Holy Spirit..
How do we serve with love? We invite the Holy Spirit to give us the strength we need to do the things He has called us to do on a daily basis..
It can’t be about us being perfect at everything for those we love, or about us having the right answers when problems arise..
We only are able to “serve one another in love” when we continuously invite God’s power to work in and through our lives..
Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do..
“Little children (believers, dear ones), let us not love [merely in theory] with word or with tongue [giving lip service to compassion], but in action and in truth [in practice and in sincerity, because practical acts of love are more than words]..”…….”(1 John 3:18)


February 23

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of

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February 22

Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him! —Isaiah 30:18 God

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February 21

A person of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother or sister. —Proverbs 18:24. Close spiritual friends are rare —

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