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Day 15

Prayer and praise are verbalized/spoken faith..!
It does not take much faith to thank God after He has done something, however, how you show God you have faith that He will make a breakthrough in your life, is by thanking Him in advance..
Faith is not believing God can do something. Faith is not hoping He will do something. Faith is thanking God in advance that He has already done it..
If you thank God after you’ve got it, that’s gratitude. When you thank Him in advance, that’s called faith..
When you give God praise it gives you strength, when you thank God in advance for the answer, that’s what keeps you encouraged..
You’re not going to stay strong in faith by complaining; you’re not going to stay determined if you’re talking about how bad it is; switch over into praise..
Praise makes you strong, keeps you moving forward; so often we think “I’ll give God praise after the problem turns around, I’ll thank God after I see the solution. If you don’t thank God in advance, you won’t have the strength you need to wait for the promise..
What keeps us strong is getting up in the morning and saying, “thank you Lord that my dreams have come to pass, that these problems have turned around, that You’re bigger than this obstacle”..
Every time you’re tempted to worry, let that be a reminder to thank God that the answer is on the way..
Once you pray, and ask God to bring the promise to pass, to heal you, to restore a relationship, from then on you don’t need to ask God one more time. He heard you the very first time. Every time you think about it, you should thank God that the answer is already on the way..
God wants to bring the promise to pass, but He’s looking for people that will thank Him before the restoration takes place, before the healing comes, before the legal situation turns around..
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.…”(Hebrews ‭11:1‬)


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February 22

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February 21

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