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Day 15

A little knowledge, is a dangerous thing..!
How many people know some things about God, but are in serious error in understanding His character and how He works in the world? That’s why we have God’s Word..
Knowing God as He reveals Himself in His Word is necessary to avoid questioning God, to engage in self-pity and to end up being afraid of God rather than loving God..
Therefore, have the correct heart when studying the Word of God..
The way to handle the Bible is not second hand. We ought all to be reading it for ourselves.The Holy Spirit is the only author who is ready to teach us scripture and give us wisdom to understand the Word of God..
– Begin your study with a prayer.
No matter when or where you study, it is always a good idea to begin your study with a sincere prayer. Start by addressing God. Then ask Him for wisdom and understanding as you read. Ask for specific guidance to your life. When you’re done, end your prayer “in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.” Praying before we study shows God that we are humble and want His help and direction.
– You don’t have to start at the beginning.
You can start nearly anywhere. For example, if you want to learn about Jesus, you can start with the gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—found in the New Testament. Or choose another person or a specific topic to study.
– Choose a topic relevant to you.
Is there a topic you’re curious about? Grace, repentance, love, forgiveness, or strength during trials? Look up specific verses on any topic you choose and study each of them.
– Write down what you learn.
Don’t forget the things you’ve learned from the Bible or the things that the Holy Spirit teaches you through your study. Use a journal or notebook to keep track of the insights you pick up as you read. The more respect we show for the things we learn, the more God will want to share with us.
– Read or share with someone else.
Share verses and insights with others that are especially meaningful and how you have applied them and got results in your life.
– Look up what you don’t understand.
Don’t hesitate to search the meaning of a particular word or phrase, or even a whole parable. The Holy Spirit will lead you to biblical resources that will help you understand better.
– Don’t get discouraged.
Learning from the Bible is a lifelong pursuit. God is pleased with any effort we put forth to learn from His Word. Greater understanding will come with time and consistent study.
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)


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