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Day 15

Where you came from does not determine where you are going..
GOD brings life back even to a dead situation with an updated outlook for a new phase in your life..
That’s because GOD does not consult your past to determine your future..!
For many, allowing the past to stay in the past is difficult. Hurtful memories or bad choices churn in our minds and affect present behaviors..
Worst of all, people allow the past to define them..
1. As a Christian, your past doesn’t define you.
In Christ, you’re a new creation. You become your true identity in Him. Loved and forgiven, you’re no longer condemned. Allowing guilt over the past to define you leads to spiritual crippling. It’s helpful to understand the difference between guilt and conviction. Guilt over past (or present) sins weighs you down, disables you, and leads to shame. But conviction by God’s Spirit is encouraging, because it leads to repentance and freedom. God remembers your sin no more..
2. Your past circumstances can’t be changed, but you can change.
Your past can’t be changed, but you can change. Even the consequences of past choices can be used for the glory of God when you ask Him to transform your mind and heart. In fact, your difficult past might be the very tool God uses to help you encourage others not to walk your painful journey. God wants to use the story of your painful past and your redeemed life for His glory..
3. Your past of shame is forgiven in Christ.
We all have sinful pasts, but none are out of reach of God’s mercy. God’s forgiveness changes everything! “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”
4. Your past shapes you, but you’re not to dwell there.
The Lord doesn’t want you to play a victim role or blame others. He doesn’t want you to wallow in past failures or become enslaved to bitterness and regret. Instead, He wants you to move forward and make wise, biblical decisions. It all begins with a renewed mind, because your thoughts direct your choices..
5. Your past only has the power you give it.
Move on to become the person the Creator designed you to be. Cast your anxieties on your caring Lord..
6. Your past is not a matter of others opinions of you.
Others opinions of you are not as important as the Lord’s opinion. In Christ, we create a new destiny, and others opinions can change as they see us grow and live in Him. Consequences from past mistakes cannot be avoided, but growing in Christ and being faithful to Him and the Word of God is our new pattern for transformation..
7. Your past likely includes patterns from past choices.
God wants you to develop new patterns based on the truth of scripture instead of your sinful responses. As you let Him reprogram your mind you can ultimately create godly behavior. Determine to make wise choices by trusting and submitting to the Lord and His Word, and not leaning on faulty understanding. Fix your eyes on new spiritual truths and give careful thought to daily choices..
“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”…..”(2 Corinthians 5:17‬)


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