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Day 14

Almost everyone wants to be liked and it is tempting to want to please other people just to be accepted..
But don’t do it at the expense of pleasing God – As a servant of Christ, you have an audience of only ONE to please, and that is GOD..!
Stop trusting in human beings, whose life’s breath is in their nostrils. For why should they be given special consideration?..
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
My innermost being will praise you, Lord!
2 I will spend my life praising you and
singing high praises to you, my God, every day of my life!
3–4 We can never look to men for help;
no matter who they are, they can’t save us,
for even our great leaders fail and fall.
They too are just mortals who will one day die.
At death the spirits of all depart and their bodies return to dust.
In the day of their death all their projects and plans are over.
5 But those who hope in the Lord will be happy and pleased!
Our help comes from the God of Jacob!
6 You keep all your promises.
You are the Creator of heaven’s glory,
earth’s grandeur, and the ocean’s greatness.
7 The oppressed get justice with you.
The hungry are satisfied with you.
Prisoners find their freedom with you.
8 You open the eyes of the blind,
and you fully restore those bent over with shame.
You love those who love and honor you.
9 You watch over strangers and immigrants
and support the fatherless and widows.
But you subvert the plans of the ungodly.
10 Lord, you will reign forever!
Zion’s God will rule throughout time and eternity!
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
Psalm 146 TPT
“…I don’t try to please myself [seek my own will/desire], but I try to please [the will of] the One who sent me……” (John 5:30)


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