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Day 13

When you put your trust in Jesus, you never need to fear the future. His goodness and mercy are with you every day..
You’re following the Good Shepherd, and He is out in front of you with His rod and staff. At the back of the flock are a couple of sheepdogs—goodness and mercy—nipping at your heels, making sure you don’t run off into a ravine. These two sheepdogs keep you on track as you follow the Good Shepherd..
– God’s goodness is watching over you.
Did you know that a second has never passed in your life when God was not watching you? God is always paying attention to you, because He created you to love you. He knows every detail of your life.
God’s protection doesn’t mean that only good things will happen to you. When suffering and disappointment comes your way God will ensure that good will come out of everything that happens to you when you trust Him.
– God’s mercy and grace is working in you.
Grace is when God gives you what you don’t deserve. Mercy is when God doesn’t give you what you do deserve. For all the ways you’ve sinned, failed, and made mistakes, you deserve punishment, yet God pardons and forgives you through Christ. That’s mercy.
It is God’s nature to be merciful. He loves to show His mercy! He doesn’t get bored with it. He doesn’t get tired of it. He doesn’t get frustrated that you keep coming back to Him..
The truth is, God is with you every moment of every day, always offering His goodness and mercy..
“Surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, And I shall dwell forever [throughout all my days] in the house and in the presence of the LORD……” (Psalm 23:6)


February 23

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February 22

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February 21

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