Helpline # +91 6380 350 221 (Give A Missed Call)

Day 12

It is God’s will for you to prosper..!
We must have a vision – a mental picture of our future state, forceful enough to mould our present..
Without a vision we perish – there are no boundaries and we tend to be all over the place..
There are no limits to the wisdom and vision that God gives as He shows us things to come through His Word and His Holy Spirit..
Without the Word of God, people are “loose”; that is, they go their own way and lose their way..
God has also given us the written Word, the Bible. When we fail to read God’s Word and live it out in our lives, we become people “without vision”..
A God-given vision always points to God!..
However, when God gives us a vision, the vision is often something that would be impossible if left simply to our human ability. Good ideas on their own will come up short, which is why God invites us to partner with Him by bringing our ideas and using them according to His plan…
– Without God’s vision, there’s indecision.
A person who has doubts is thinking about two different things at the same time and can’t make up his mind about anything” (James 1:8)
– Without God’s vision for your future, you drift and wander through life.
You don’t have goals, purpose, or meaning. When you just let life happen to you, you’re not really living!
– With no vision, you waste time and you miss opportunities.
You don’t make the most of what you’ve been given, and that makes you a poor steward of your life. You’re always heading downhill.
– Without God’s vision, there’s division.
In fact, the lack of vision makes you vulnerable to others steering you towards what they think or assume your purpose is.
– Without God’s vision, there’s collision.
It’s like a bumper car ride, where you just keep getting hit from all sides; relationship confrontations, financial crashes, and personal crises. Without God’s clear direction for your life, you will inevitably hit a dead end.
Only God can tell you your purpose because He created you specifically and uniquely to live it out. And only following His vision with the eyes of faith rather than the eyes of fear will allow you to live the abundant life God intends for you..
“Where there is no vision [no revelation of God and His Word], the people are unrestrained; But happy and blessed is he who keeps the law [of God].…”(Proverbs 29:18‬)


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