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Day 12

Shame is one of the most difficult emotions that can affect us..
Shame can have great power over us. It controls significant parts of our lives and consumes precious energy and time in avoiding exposure..
Like the woman at the well, King David, and the hemorrhaging woman, our shame frequently leads us to hide in the wrong places..
We hide in our homes or away from our homes. We hide in our rooms and in our offices. We hide in housework, yard work, and garage puttering. We hide behind computers and phones and newspapers and magazines. We hide behind earphones and Netflix and ESPN. We hide behind fashion facades (disguise), education facades, career facades, facebook facades, and pulpit facades. We hide in busyness and procrastination. We hide in outright lies or distracting conversations. We hide behind sullenness and humor. We hide behind bravado and timidity..
There is only one place to hide that offers the protection we seek, where all our shame is covered and we no longer need to fear: the refuge of Jesus Christ..
Jesus’s death and resurrection is the only remedy for the shame we feel over our grievous sin-failures..
There is nowhere else to go with our sin; there is no other atonement. But if we hide in Jesus, He provides us a complete cleansing..
Grace that flows to us through faith is all-sufficient and abounding and provides for all our other shameful weaknesses, failures & trouble..
It gives you the ability to leave behind that crippled mindset of defeat as you get ready to be launched into prominence with dignity, respect & honour..
Grace brings back reassurances of your inheritance in Christ..!
We win in the war against shame when, by the power of the Spirit, we turn our hearts to the unbreakable promise of Christ that nothing can separate us from His love..
When we are made to feel shame for something that we didn’t do, we conquer its power by entrusting our souls and eternal welfare to the truth and justice of God..
No one who hopes in You will ever be put to shame, but shame will come on those who are treacherous without cause.. (Psalm 25:3)
Fear not; you will no longer live in shame. Don’t be afraid; there is no more disgrace for you…… (Isaiah 54:4)
“The scripture says, “No one who believes in Him will be put to shame.”….. (Romans 10:11)


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