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Day 12

When you have God’s promises coming out of your mouth, you cannot be defeated..!
In difficult times, don’t just say what you feel, what you think, or what you want – speak only what God says about your situation..
When you are a believer of Jesus Christ, every promise is for you..
It is important for you to internalize and personalize the promises and choose to believe they are true for you to experience the power of the Truth!..
– Identify the promise from the Scripture as the truth.
– Make the choice to affirm it as truth over your life. That is, believe that the promise is true for you.
– Ask yourself, “If I lived like this promise was 100% true, how would I live? What type of difference would it make in my life?”
– Make the choice to live like the truth is truly true even if your feelings don’t match. Remember, when your feelings and the truth are in conflict, always follow the truth of the Word.
Believers can claim the promises because of God’s grace and goodness toward them. We cannot claim any right to these promises based on our own worthiness. Therefore, in order to keep these promises in perspective, it is helpful to remember that every promise is a Yes and Amen (2 Corinthians 1:20)
– Because of salvation through Christ.
– Because of the Holy Spirit’s work in me.
– Because of God’s love, power, and plan in my life.
“So will My Word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me void (useless, without result), Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.”…….”(Isa‬iah ‭55:11‬)


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