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Day 11

Anger always comes with a price tag..!
When you lose your temper, you always lose – you lose someone’s respect, you lose the love of your family, you lose your health, and even your job..
Therefore, before you retaliate, calculate the cost, then choose the wise path of controlling it with the strength of the Holy Spirit..
Everyone experiences anger but how you deal with it is the key..
No matter how you feel about the person who angered you (that person may or may not know that they have angered you) with God’s help make a decision and commitment to no longer hold their offense against them and release them from the moral debt they owe you because of whatever they’ve done to you..
When we make the heart commitment to forgive, God can bring our feelings into line with the reality of that forgiveness..
We will never succeed without God’s help. But when we take the turmoil of our emotions to God in prayer, He promises to replace that turmoil with His peace..
Every time you find that your mind has slipped back into that same memory of anger and bitterness, deliberately turn your thoughts to the many blessings God has brought into your life..
“People with understanding control their anger; a hot temper shows great foolishness….” (Proverbs 14:29)


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April 17

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April 16

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