Helpline # +91 6380 350 221 (Give A Missed Call)

Day 11

Because the course of your LIFE is determined by what fills your heart you need to treat others well, get your priorities in order, make forgiveness a life line, build a good attitude, & always keep your word..
Why? Because these are biblical instructions & principles..
– Treat others well.
“Here is a simple rule of thumb for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you; then grab the initiative and do it for them!” (Luke 6:31)
– Get your priorities in order.
When I put God first on my priority list He takes care of everything else. Isn’t He the one all knowing, who knows what I need?
“Be concerned above everything else with the Kingdom of God and with what He requires of you, and He will provide you with all these other things. (Matthew 6:33)
– Make forgiveness a life line.
“And when you assume the posture of prayer, remember that it’s not all asking. If you have anything against someone, forgive – only then will your heavenly Father be inclined to also wipe your slate clean of sins.” (Mark 11:25)
– Build a good attitude.
“You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy”. (Hebrews 1:9)
– Always keep your word.
Our words are very powerful. As Christians if we make promises to someone or to God we are to keep those promises. It would have been better for you not to make the promise in the first place. God always keeps His Word and He expects you to do the same. God will not be mocked. It’s always better to just do what you know needs to be done than to make promises. Nobody likes when someeone doesn’t live up to their word. If you made a promise to someone or to God and you broke it then repent and learn from your mistake. Don’t make promises anymore, but instead do God’s will and He will help you in all situations; just seek Him in prayer.
“When you make a vow to God, do not delay to fulfill it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow. It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it.” (Ecclesiastes 5:4-5)
“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.…..”(John 14:26)


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February 22

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February 21

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