At one time or another, all of us will face times when our future is uncertain..
Maybe you’re about to graduate from college and have no idea what’s next. Perhaps you just lost your job. Or you’ve just moved to a new area where you know no one..
Maybe you’ve just started a new job and feel overwhelmed at the challenges that loom before you. Maybe you’re single and wonder if you’ll ever get married. You may be anxious about many issues in life; family, relationships, children, finances, health or may be even ministry..
Whatever the case you’re tempted to feel worried about the future, you need God to help you overcome fear..
The reality is that none of us are secure in this world except in Christ. Nothing is certain. We aren’t guaranteed our next meal. We aren’t even guaranteed our next heartbeat..
Even when we feel secure, we are completely dependent on the Lord for every breath..
But when we are tempted about the future it is important for us to meditate on the unshakeable, always true Bible verses about the future that God is good and He makes it VERY clear that our future is secure in Him..
God uses His Word to encourage your heart. They speak to your worry and fear and anxiety and give you the peace that surpasses all understanding..
You can trust in Jesus Christ to do good to you, both now and in the future. You may not know the way to go, but God does. He knows exactly where He’s leading you..
You can have hope for the days ahead, not because of your own personal righteousness, but because you are in Jesus Christ..
“Those who trust their own insight are foolish, but anyone who walks in wisdom is safe……” (Proverbs 28:26)
January 21
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good