Helpline # +91 6380 350 221 (Give A Missed Call)

Day 1

Favor is tangible evidence of the approval of God..
Favor is defined as receiving preferential treatment and special privileges. God is putting upon you His special affection and influence so that others will be inclined to like what you do and to cooperate with you – that is divine favor..
God’s favor in your life is His power working in you so you can live a victorious life. It is the power needed to breakthrough and overcome any barrier in life..
God’s favor is a gift. We don’t deserve it. We can’t earn it. God gives it to us because we are His children and He is our Father. However, we must receive it and activate it in our lives. Sadly many believers miss out on the favor of God because they don’t know how to receive it or they resist it..
– Believe to receive God’s favor.
Believing is at the heart of receiving the promises of God. God has promised you favor. To receive His gift of favor upon your life you must believe it. If you don’t believe or doubt or question that God wants to give you favor don’t expect to receive it (James 1:6-7). Believe and expect God’s favor upon your life..
– Grow in the knowledge of the Lord.
The source of favor is the Lord. When you increase your relationship with Him you increase your access to Him and all He has including favor. God is trying to get His favor to you. However, it can only come through the connection that you have with Him. You open that connection by continuing to develop your relationship with Him through worship, prayer, the Word of God, and spending time with Him. “For whoever finds Me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord.” (Proverbs 8:35)
– Sow favor.
Show favor. Start giving favor to others. Jesus said, “Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.” (Matthew 5:7). So be merciful to other people. Sow favor into the life of those that don’t deserve it and you will receive favor that you do not deserve. Look for those that cannot necessarily repay you and show them favor and you will activate the favor of God over your life.
– Declare favor.
You will have what you say. (Mark 11:23). There is power in your words. The words you speak influence the direction of your life. So start declaring Gods favor. Say “Thank You, Jesus, that I have favor with You and with man. You surround me with favor. Every place I go, You go before me with favor. Thank You, Lord for favor!” If you want to see favor activated in your life, then begin to declare God’s favor. Speak favor over your life on a daily basis and you will receive favor.
– Stay humble.
God pours out His favor upon those who keep a humble heart. One of the dangers we have to guard against is – pride. Pride will shut down the flow of God’s favor. Always remember God’s favor is not a result of anything you’ve done, but is based on what Jesus has done. We activate God’s favor in our life by believing in Jesus and staying connected to Him, the source of favor.
Get ready for the favor of God upon your life – believe for it, sow it, declare it, and stay focused on Jesus. He wants to open up the windows of heaven and pour His favor upon your life..
“For whoever finds Me (Wisdom) finds life And obtains favor and grace from the LORD……..” (Proverbs 8:35)


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